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How long do you stay awake at night

I usually stay up at night to watch TV shows. I find it easier since it's quiet and less likely to get interrupted. Also, it's more relaxing to unwind while everyone's asleep. I don't like the noise during daytime.

This has been a very bad habit to me at this moment because I can't remember the last time I had more than 5 hours night sleep. I'm sure that I'm already putting myself at health risk.
That's true. I have worked as a virtual assistant to an American and I am from Nepal, The time difference between the US and Nepal is 13 hours. When it is day time here there will be night time there. In order to keep with my employer, I used to wake up in the middle of the night.

It's very considerate that one is awake at night for business purposes but when it's staying up awake to do silly things like watch movies even when you can watch the same movie on weekends when there is no work, we still force ourselves and deprive ourselves good night sleep.
This has been a very bad habit to me at this moment because I can't remember the last time I had more than 5 hours night sleep. I'm sure that I'm already putting myself at health risk.

I'd have to agree. It's not wise not getting 8 hours of sleep a day. In fact, it's recommended that people who work get 9-10 hours just to make sure they're recuperating from all the stressful work. I hope you can do something about it.
Until 4 or 5 am, and sometimes I will go to work without sleep. I really don't know why I can't sleep and what keeps me awake, but sometimes my mind keeps thinking about a scenario for my future, like creating another character which I should suppose to be.

This is not healthy. You can try relaxing as early as possible. Our minds can get used to not having downtime. This especially true for overworked individuals.
I am stay awake until 2am in the morning Because I have a lot's of online job to work on my pc sometimes watching online movie and lot's of other things I need to do,
I am stay awake until 2am in the morning Because I have a lot's of online job to work on my pc sometimes watching online movie and lot's of other things I need to do,
You might want to watch your health, take caution and get enough sleep.My friend always sleep on that hour, he has bad health now. Prevention is better than medication.
I'd have to agree. It's not wise not getting 8 hours of sleep a day. In fact, it's recommended that people who work get 9-10 hours just to make sure they're recuperating from all the stressful work. I hope you can do something about it.

Yes exactly, a good number of sleeping hours is good one's health. I know that it's very important but I simply cannot help it staying awake to watch movies. It's just like having an addiction, you would simply find it hard to let go.
This is not healthy. You can try relaxing as early as possible. Our minds can get used to not having downtime. This especially true for overworked individuals.

The truth is that when you start out your life in this manner, it behaves like a clockwork and it's very hard to turn back the hands of the clock. Sometimes, I do think that I need some sort of counseling to help me drop my banter with movies and staying awake too late.
I am stay awake until 2am in the morning Because I have a lot's of online job to work on my pc sometimes watching online movie and lot's of other things I need to do,

If you're being awake in the night to carry out your online business and make money online, then I would say that it's worth it 100% completely. I would stay awake longer more than 2:00 am for money making purposes.
You might want to watch your health, take caution and get enough sleep.My friend always sleep on that hour, he has bad health now. Prevention is better than medication.

I agree with you on this completely, prevention is better than cure. So, it's very important to take care of one's health in every way possible to avoid getting sidelined. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and I hope he or she gets better sooner than later. Please send my regards to him/her.
This is not healthy. You can try relaxing as early as possible. Our minds can get used to not having downtime. This especially true for overworked individuals.

My body clock is already dead, because every month, I have a new schedule. The best place for me to sleep is just during my travel going to work, while riding some public utility vehicles, and the best way for me to sleep early, is to drink beer.
I stay awake until 3am if I am working on important projects. But if I'm just playing a game or watching a movie, I could only stay until 12am.
The thing with watching movies at night is that once such movie is an interesting one, you wouldn't know when you have stayed up more than you ever bargain for. I can remember one experience where I was awake till 4 am without realizing it. I didn't know what pushed me to check time and I was shocked to see the time at some minutes after 4.
this is really true, if you are really in to the movies and kinda curious on what's gonna happen next you would forget the time, and might notice that time really flies so fast.
this always happens to me, whenever I watch anime. I always said that this would be the last episode that I would watch and go to sleep, I always find my sleep
My body clock is already dead, because every month, I have a new schedule. The best place for me to sleep is just during my travel going to work, while riding some public utility vehicles, and the best way for me to sleep early, is to drink beer.

I hope you can find a way to improve your schedule. Our lifestyle plays a major role in our potential lifespan. Hopefully, you'll have a more flexible work schedule in the future. Take care. :D
Yes exactly, a good number of sleeping hours is good one's health. I know that it's very important but I simply cannot help it staying awake to watch movies. It's just like having an addiction, you would simply find it hard to let go.

I think you will find the motivation once you read well documented articles on sleep loss. The idea is that having proper sleep improves your chance of living a longer life. Not only that, it also enhances your everyday mood. :)
The truth is that when you start out your life in this manner, it behaves like a clockwork and it's very hard to turn back the hands of the clock. Sometimes, I do think that I need some sort of counseling to help me drop my banter with movies and staying awake too late.

Professional advice always helps. Trust their expert opinion on what's best for you. I also hope to avoid sleeping late too frequently. I remember feeling refreshed whenever I get a good night's sleep.
I stay awake until 3am if I am working on important projects. But if I'm just playing a game or watching a movie, I could only stay until 12am.
I strongly suggest that you finished your work or projects first to avoid overstaying at night. Also do a better time management, it can save your health a lot. Trust me, it's not good staying overnight.
My body clock is already dead, because every month, I have a new schedule. The best place for me to sleep is just during my travel going to work, while riding some public utility vehicles, and the best way for me to sleep early, is to drink beer.

Wow, that seems like a hard life. The job is pretty too demanding on you and your health. To practically have less and limited time to sleep is so horrible. And to have to rely on sleeping on transit for your rest hours is so embarrassing. Have you considered a change of job?
I stay awake until 3am if I am working on important projects. But if I'm just playing a game or watching a movie, I could only stay until 12am.

I always admire those that stays late in the night for serious business reasons, it's worth it staying awake to make money online then to just stay awake to watch movies or play games or watch TV shows. There is what is called priority in life, and making money should come up first before having fun.
this is really true, if you are really in to the movies and kinda curious on what's gonna happen next you would forget the time, and might notice that time really flies so fast.
this always happens to me, whenever I watch anime. I always said that this would be the last episode that I would watch and go to sleep, I always find my sleep

Haha, welcome to my junior brother's world of being a slave to animation movies. He can abandon anything he is doing just to watch animated movies. One of his favorites back then was Avatar - The Last Air Bender : The legend of Anag. There was a day he practically stayed awake till the next morning and still didn't sleep through the day.