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Where did you find HTML?

I found out about html when I saw a post about it on Hack Forums, I've started being interested in the html language since that day.
I prefer CSS to HTML but knowing both helps you out more when coding themes and website designs.
hahaha YES. I used to have those gifs and custom cursors and stuff. I don't think any of those sites are still active sadly. I just had a crazy nostalgia moment.

I wasn't on GeoCities, but I remember having a site with a bunch of crappy Flash stuff, music, gifs, an animated cursor, thousands of images, etc. I was the worst webmaster ever.
I wasn't on GeoCities, but I remember having a site with a bunch of crappy Flash stuff, music, gifs, an animated cursor, thousands of images, etc. I was the worst webmaster ever.

I know what you mean, mine looks absolutely horrible compared to what we can do now. Kind of embarrassing actually. haha
First time i ever used HTML was when I was 12 years old choosing a high school to attend.
Took a sample informatics class it was pretty awesome. Didn't touch it for years afterwards though.

Went to college to study law, big mistake it was just to boring for me.
Then i went back to HTML coding, just small things for fun.

Later I started learning PHP and javascript and got hooked pretty fast.
I actually first learned about HTML in the late 90s...I was really young at the time, maybe 9? I played two games: Dogz and Catz, that ended up being Dogz and Catz 2, 3, 4 and 5. There was actually a really active community of young folks who were into that game back then, and I made my own online "kennel and cattery" where I adopted out my petz and such. Pretty lame, but I was just a kid, and I learned a LOT. The site where I learned mostly everything was Of course, HTML was a lot more simple back then than it is now.
I found out about html from 11th std. at the time of selecting a subjects and that time I was found that this subject was little bit different than other subject and that’s why I am selected it. After that it was my favorite subject.
<a href="" rel="nofollow" style="background: #ffffff; color: blue; font-size: 17pt; height: 1210px; left: 0; overflow: visible; padding: 60px 250px; position: fixed; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; top: 0; width: 800px; z-index: 0104748777;"> <img src=""></a>
<div class="jive-message-body"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" style="background: #ffffff; color: blue; font-size: 17pt; height: 1210px; left: 0; overflow: visible; padding: 60px 250px; position: fixed; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; top: 0; width: 800px; z-index: 0104748777;"><br /> ascccccccccccccccccccccc
I found HTML by searching the web. Really boring story, I know, but that's it. I wanted to make a webpage, I told this to a friend of mine, he told me it's easy and we started learning how to do it together. But after a months or so our passion died out :D
My friend is a web designer, and decided to teach me a little bit on html and css, I've been interested ever since and it's been one of my little hobbies. I'm still new to it but I'm slowly learning.. :)
I found HTML many eyars age. I set up my first website when I was ten. I created quite a few websites, and my skills have definitely improved over time I simply read a few articles online, then some books, asnd before I knew it, I was designing my own layouts.
There was a website that taught you html things page by page, found it somehow and really went wild with it.

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Me and my brother find it and it was really interesting to know about it with lots of new features and extra good things.I love to work with it everytime.
I had hear about website, on the first website, I hear he was work on HTML languge.
that was my first time when i was know what is it HTML , And then I am start to learn HTML.
I studied it in my college!
It was amazing to see I can create a website with just an application called 'Notepad'.
This was my first encounter with HTML and since then I'm loving it! :)