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Where did you find HTML?


Junior Member
Well? I found html when my brother showed me a marquee moving across the screen and I thought it was pretty cool for my 8 year old mind, he later introduced me to a few guides when I was slightly older.

He is now a programmer in insaurance brokers, I love him for showing me Html!:o
I'm not sure what it's called but I'm most likely thinking software engineering. I was meant to say he's a programmer FOR insurance brokers, he programmes in C# to develop comparison engines for insurance brokers.
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I found HTML because I wanted to build websites. Yeah, I know it's pretty general, but I started reading a for Dummies book, and I liked the entire concept. I've been coding for a good 4+ years now, so I'm pretty good at HTML.
I met html because I wanted to create a site for a group of counter strike when I was younger, I was trying to figure out after something, now I know some things, but I'm not a professional.
I want to learn html to be able to make site designs for my own various interests so I don't have to be entirely reliant on others. I first came in contact with it while using javascript tutorials and realized I'd be needing to know some html. The basics of it are pretty easy so far and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. Being pretty new to coding it seems like a good place to cut my teeth and I am looking forward to moving into more advanced lessons.
My sister and I found it together actually, I think in 7th grade too. I found it very interesting and I just stu k with it, she seems to be better and know more than me though lol
I found out about html from my friend. Back in the day, there was a popular game called Neopets. My friend and I wanted to customize our profile and store page. We found html codes for banners and gifs images. The site had some tips for html, like color coding, centering and so forth. That's how I began my journey to learning about html.
I have had glimpses of HTML ever since I started using Wordpress for my blogs. However I had no motivation to delve deeper into the subject. Now I am trying to do more with my sites and I am hampered by my lack of coding knowledge and skill. There's quite a bit to learn. At the bottom of it all, apparently, is HTML. So it looks like I really must get a grip on HTML if I want to get anywhere with my coding.
I took a beginner's HTML class in high school, so I might be a little bit more versed than someone with no experience. The only problem was the professor lumped in Flash too (would have rather taken full years of these then two half-year classes) So I wasn't really proficient in either. I do quite a bit of flash now, but HTML is still fuzzy to me.
I first started with HTML in high school, doing things that have been outdated for years. Recently, a friend of mine started coding a website, and he kind of got me into it a little. STill learning, always willing to try something new.
I found html back in the geocites days. A friend in school showed me an awesome pokemon website his friend had created, I talked to that said friend and he pretty much introduced me to the basics of HTML.
I was playing on Neopets about 8 years ago, and I want to customize my guild which needed HTML. That's how I got started with HTML, and after that I got interested in building sites.
I found html back in the geocites days.

Holy crap! Hahaha I forgot about those things! Remember those animations you could have bouncing around, gifs everywhere, stars or something following your mouse around? Any of those site still active?
I found out about HTML when I was making one of those pages similar to MySpace that Hotmail had. Everybody had one! I had to have one too. Needless to say it looked a lot like Homer's website.

I was first introduced to HTML in the 7th grade when I was forced to build a website about my project after the science fair. It was absolutely terrible; broken links all over the place, mismatch color schemes, unreadable font, missing font haha. I remember at the time being so confused at the concept of uploading code I'd written in a text editor to a server and having it show on the web so neatly organized with images (dial-up was still a thing, so forget about uploading video). I just couldn't wrap my head around how it worked.
Figures, now I would be working on learning my 4th coding language using the skills I've learned from playing with these weird symbols to build a business. The circle of life. :)
I found html when I was about 8 or 9 years old after joining a site called Neopets. I knew the basics of how to create bold text and maybe change the color. Once I joined myspace and few other social networks, I expanded my html to pictures and much more.
Holy crap! Hahaha I forgot about those things! Remember those animations you could have bouncing around, gifs everywhere, stars or something following your mouse around? Any of those site still active?

hahaha YES. I used to have those gifs and custom cursors and stuff. I don't think any of those sites are still active sadly. I just had a crazy nostalgia moment.
I actually came into contact with HTML when I was a kid, but back then it seemed too complicated... But since I study business informatics I had to learn HTML, CSS and other web technologies in university and it all seems so easy to me. I still wish that I would have proceeded learning about web design and programming when I was a kid because I could know so much more about it.
HTML has come such a long way since we all picked it up. The first thing I learned was how to make a text bold on a site. No idea what kids are learning these days, but if it's still just that, I weep for the future of the internet.