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Recycled graphic effects


Are there any effects you always use (or recycle) when creating something for your website?

I used to really like how the reflection and gloss effects looked on text. Similar to this:


Combined with some 3D effect (which is as easy as doubling the layer and moving it a bit), you could get a really nice outcome.

I usually do use a couple of recycled designs. But for the most past I try to look up tutorials and follow them. That second 3D one looks really great.
The second one looks really nice. For me, the graphic cannot be just reflective, it has to be reflective, 3d, and in a different perspective. The other type of graphic I like is a totally flat matte color.
The second 3D is a lot a good one. I would always use video tutorial and follow to the letter the instructions and recommendations given.
Visual design experiments often become popular design trends and suddenly they are seen everywhere. ... As with fashion, design trends are often recycled from decades past—we see them ..
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