My web page is hosted by Hostmonster.
My website is simple html and the web pages were composed using SeaMonkey.
Today I found that when I go to the site's main page, using my phone, some sort of "mobile version" appears that is useless and contains none of the information
that's on the desktop version of the site. However, when on this "mobile version" of the site you do know you're at the correct domain name just that something's messed up.
I contacted Hostmonster support and they couldn't do anything to fix the problem. But they successfully wasted 2 hours of my time and assured me it was something I had done to the index.html (which I haven't edited or updated for over a 6 months).
Oh, on the bottom lower left side of the main page are the words (options?) Version- mobile | Web
And, if you refresh the screen the proper desktop version appears.
Can you help?
What I want is the desktop version of the site to appear no matter what device someone's using.
My website is simple html and the web pages were composed using SeaMonkey.
Today I found that when I go to the site's main page, using my phone, some sort of "mobile version" appears that is useless and contains none of the information
that's on the desktop version of the site. However, when on this "mobile version" of the site you do know you're at the correct domain name just that something's messed up.
I contacted Hostmonster support and they couldn't do anything to fix the problem. But they successfully wasted 2 hours of my time and assured me it was something I had done to the index.html (which I haven't edited or updated for over a 6 months).
Oh, on the bottom lower left side of the main page are the words (options?) Version- mobile | Web
And, if you refresh the screen the proper desktop version appears.
Can you help?
What I want is the desktop version of the site to appear no matter what device someone's using.