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Science and Religion

Science and religion have been at war for eons, or so we've been taught to believe. But some cultures embrace the two and actually have them work very well together. My personal stance on the matter is that science and religion go hand in hand with one another, in a myriad of different ways. What is your stance on this? Do you think that Science and religion are innately interlinked, or do you believe that one tears down the other?
I believe in both science and religion. I think science was created by our supreme being as a way to explain to us how things were made. I also think the big bang happened. However, as much as man wants to take pride in himself, I think man took science in an attempt to counter religion and make religion seem fake. Basically, I think it was interpreted wrongly on the side of man. I think God (aka... Allah, Buddha, whatever name you have for God) tried to give us an answer but for the most part, the answer failed. Its not religion that makes conflict, its purely man.
I believe in both science and religion. I think science was created by our supreme being as a way to explain to us how things were made. I also think the big bang happened. However, as much as man wants to take pride in himself, I think man took science in an attempt to counter religion and make religion seem fake. Basically, I think it was interpreted wrongly on the side of man. I think God (aka... Allah, Buddha, whatever name you have for God) tried to give us an answer but for the most part, the answer failed. Its not religion that makes conflict, its purely man.

I would have to agree with some of this. I think that it is atheists and people who only are able to accept science that are the most abrasive when it comes to this topic - at least when it comes to what I have experienced in my life so far. They want to deny religion or ANY idea of God at all, even when it does tie into science. It's a very strange thing. Of course not all atheists believe this or think this way, but from the atheists that I have spoken to about this topic, that is what I have gotten from the conversation.
I'm very open minded, I like to believe in both subjects. I've noticed a lot of religions, although quite different, have a lot of similarities than most think. I find all kinds of religion fascinating, and am open to any sort of knowledge that is discussed with me on that subject.
As for science, I believe it has a enormous part in our lives, and especially religion.
I was raised as a Catholic but have pretty open view on all religions. I particularly like history and I know that if it wasn't for religion we indirectly wouldn't have such a great civilization. I know people like to bash on religion for being close minded, but if it wasn't for religions, I would say that society wouldn't be as productive. We can be pretty productive these days without religion, but back in the day I would say it lead to many advancements that contribute to such a great society. Religion promoted monogamy which means that everyone can contribute to society. Plus to be completely honest, it made some work a little harder for such little pay knowing that they would have it better in the afterlife.
I was not raised in a religious family at all. In fact, we don't have any kind of established religion to follow other than cultural traditions. When I found the religion I could follow, that became the basis of my life. However, I am also trained in science, especially computer science. So I use science to do my work and religion to guide my life. There is no conflict between the two.
I was not raised in a religious family at all. In fact, we don't have any kind of established religion to follow other than cultural traditions. When I found the religion I could follow, that became the basis of my life. However, I am also trained in science, especially computer science. So I use science to do my work and religion to guide my life. There is no conflict between the two.

That is great Victor! I have never heard someone simplify the two aspects of their life so easy and in such a clean manner. As I said above, most scientists will refute any idea of God in favor of science. I believe that that is really a myopic way to see thing and live your life. What religion did you take to when you got older?
I believe one tears down the other. As in, science tears down religion. Science is absolutely established facts, verified by the scientific method. Undeniable for anyone. Religion is (usually) a collection of vague subjective viepoints and opinions. Often Religions conflict with established science, and the fact that mankind doesn't immedeately dismiss religious arguments in such situations proves (to me) that we still have a long way to go as a species. Knowing beats believing in every possible situation.
I'm not religious, but what frustrates me is when religious people turn a blind eye to what science has proven. Believe what you want, that's okay. But if you go out of your way to fight facts in pursuit of that belief. That's a little dangerous.
I believe one tears down the other. As in, science tears down religion. Science is absolutely established facts, verified by the scientific method. Undeniable for anyone. Religion is (usually) a collection of vague subjective viepoints and opinions. Often Religions conflict with established science, and the fact that mankind doesn't immediately dismiss religious arguments in such situations proves (to me) that we still have a long way to go as a species. Knowing beats believing in every possible situation.

A lot of scientific 'facts' you'll find are simply theories that have NOT been verified, and yet are deemed fact because they have been repeated over such long periods of time. Look into this. It's true. Secondly, science tears down religion depending on what religion you stand in front of science. Spirituality actually goes hand in hand with Science. They compliment one another very well. I agree that knowing beats believing in every possible situation, but what if you only THINK you know?
A lot of scientific 'facts' you'll find are simply theories that have NOT been verified, and yet are deemed fact because they have been repeated over such long periods of time. Look into this. It's true. Secondly, science tears down religion depending on what religion you stand in front of science. Spirituality actually goes hand in hand with Science. They compliment one another very well. I agree that knowing beats believing in every possible situation, but what if you only THINK you know?

Well that's the beauty of the scientific method isn't it. You can either prove it or you can't. If you think you know but you don't, then you've misused the scientific method.
Which unverified scientific theories do you mean specifically? Of course there is a lot of pseudo science out there, but pseudo science is not the same as real science.
Also yes, spirituality can go hand in hand with science but spirituality is not the same as religion. I've yet to hear of one religion that does not contradict established science in any way. Conventional Abrahamic religions which are dominant in the west, Afica and the middle east definitely do not qualify.
Well that's the beauty of the scientific method isn't it. You can either prove it or you can't. If you think you know but you don't, then you've misused the scientific method.
Which unverified scientific theories do you mean specifically? Of course there is a lot of pseudo science out there, but pseudo science is not the same as real science.
Also yes, spirituality can go hand in hand with science but spirituality is not the same as religion. I've yet to hear of one religion that does not contradict established science in any way. Conventional Abrahamic religions which are dominant in the west, Afica and the middle east definitely do not qualify.

I speak from a place of spirituality, which many deem a religion. In your earlier post, you set spirituality aside, which I agree with. Other religion want to say that it was all God and not all that much science involved in the creation of the universe and other things that consider nature. I was referring to spirituality, as a lot of those teachings do go hand in hand with science - not all but many.

One instance of science that I am referring to is the greenhouse effect, which is taught to children in schools, yet has been proven to be a lie. My science teacher even agreed with my on this point once, and when I told him that I was going to answer that the greenhouse effect was rubbish on my exam, he said that I shouldn't otherwise I would fail. Make of that what you will lol.
I do not understand what the concept of this debate is. I am not anti religion. I am not anti science. I just think everything happens for a reason and there is usually deity interference involved in something that cannot be scientifically explained. I do not think anyone will really have an answer to this question until his/her time on Earth expires.
I trust science more than religion. Mostly because I see religion as false. Its idea is false too. Too many religious people are suffering with life issues that their diety or dieties, are not solving or trying to help deal with. Religion has become about money too. All the churches now want money. And are always hitting members up for more. It's hardly about prayer anymore.
I'm not religious, and I think that science is the basis of everything, I think people have created the region to have something where you grab when bad things happen. I do not know, but it's just my idea.
I actually think science supports religion in the sense that whatever religion describes, science confirms this and explains how it's plausible
It's a controversial topic. Some of the greatest scientists have believed divine intervention is evident in many walks of life. I do believe religion holds people together. When everything else fails, look up to God for miracles. Every person has his or her own perception of a miracle, but if we delve deep into what transpires in our lives, we see events taking place. These events were not planned, but we welcome them on a daily basis.

Science talks of facts and what can be repeated over and over again. Once I understand a concept and use it to ease my daily chores, it becomes boring and unwanted. You only grow in religion. I must work at it daily and let religion work in my life.
It's really hard to compare this science and religion and it's gonna be war between them in case they were in the same room. Science is more on experiment to know the answer. They are not contented to the simple explanation without the experiment. But in religion if they don't know the answer, they always say it's up to god. god made this, that's it. that's easy explanation.
One tears down the other but neither one is perfect. Religion deals with the worship of an almighty being while Science is more on logic and elaborate explanation of why things are the way they are. Religion's flaw lies with the fact that it stands on faith alone and there is no way of explaining why we believe the things we believe. On the other hand, one of Science's flaw is that there are still some things on earth that we can't explain no matter how many scientists have studied about it like the mystery of dreams, creation, and death. Religion supplies explanation on such things. For example, dreams are precognition or God's way of talking to us, we are created by an almighty being which is God, and death is God's way of sending us home to be with him. Science rejects all of these things because of the lack of explanation and scientific evidence. While religion could potentially bridge the gap of science, it doesn't seem to be working well because both principles are contrast to each other.