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Can You Tell When People are Lying?

I pride myself on being able to read people very well. I have always had this ability. I am good at knowing when people are lying to me, and can avoid certain sticky situations because of that, but it is still annoying that people lie to me in the first place, especially if it is over something silly or something that I simply don't care about. This skill also comes in handy when you are getting a money quote from someone on a job that you need doing.

Do you know when people are lying to you?
Depends on the person and the lie, some people are just better at lying then others, and some lies are easier to believe.
Also, suppose someone lied to you but you missed it, often you will never know. So it's hard to say if you're good at spotting liars prehaps they're slipping past you all the time.
I am usually good at telling when people are lying. But that's only cause I catch the people who are lying. I have no idea how many people have been lying to me. :P
No, I am not good at that. I don't really care that much, too. Let people say what they want. I am only interested in how they affect my actual life. If what they say doesn't affect my life, it doesn't matter if they are telling the truth or they are telling lies.
I agree that it doesn't matter if people are lying to you if it doesn't effect your life, but a lot of the time it will effect your life. I am good at spotting the liars. many times people will tell me a lie - often friends - and I will nod and smile whilst knowing that what they have just told me was lies, and then say three days or a week later, something will happen or that person will say something to out themselves or reveal that what they had previously told me was a lie. I won't say anything, but I definitely catch onto it. I think it's because I have a good memory. If you contradict something you told me, I will ask about it, and it usually turns out to be contradictory because the person was lying.
Usually, I can tell when people are lying. I would like to get to know when others are lying. My nieces and nephews I can most certainly tell when they are lying. Others, there are only some times that I can tell when they are lying. I think body language has a lot to do with understanding whether or not someone is lying to you. After all actions speak louder than words.
I don't try to spot liars, I just devise two or three backup plans. So if they are lying, plan B moves forward and I get what I wanted regardless. In the end, the first guy (or gals) credibility takes a hit with everyone else. Not my problem though.
I agree that it doesn't matter if people are lying to you if it doesn't effect your life, but a lot of the time it will effect your life. I am good at spotting the liars. many times people will tell me a lie - often friends - and I will nod and smile whilst knowing that what they have just told me was lies, and then say three days or a week later, something will happen or that person will say something to out themselves or reveal that what they had previously told me was a lie. I won't say anything, but I definitely catch onto it. I think it's because I have a good memory. If you contradict something you told me, I will ask about it, and it usually turns out to be contradictory because the person was lying.

You have a point there. Strangely, liars think that they have good memories when in actual fact they don't. Like you said, if you have a good memory, you will be able to catch out the liars eventually. Myself, I don't really try to catch anyone out when they are lying. I take the attitude that, generally speaking, people are honest and they only lie when they have to.
Usually. I like to try and keep a "innocent until proven guilty" type attitude to people. Usually, when you're talking to a person long enough (assuming they aren't a compulsive liar and really good at it) you can tell when stories just don't add up.
Usually. I like to try and keep a "innocent until proven guilty" type attitude to people. Usually, when you're talking to a person long enough (assuming they aren't a compulsive liar and really good at it) you can tell when stories just don't add up.

This is very true, but I usually know that people are lying as the lies come out of their mouths lol. I was curious to see if anybody else was like this. Of course there have been times where my initial thoughts as to whether I thought that someone was lying or not have been proven wrong, but it doesn't happen very often. Within hours or a few days, or weeks, their stories do not add up and in my head I'm like 'But you said so and so last week, so what you are telling me now makes no sense and you're lying to me.'
You have a point there. Strangely, liars think that they have good memories when in actual fact they don't. Like you said, if you have a good memory, you will be able to catch out the liars eventually. Myself, I don't really try to catch anyone out when they are lying. I take the attitude that, generally speaking, people are honest and they only lie when they have to.

I think that is true in some things but in relationships I think that's when the most lying happens. Between men and women. I think second to that. In the world of law, firms, etc. A lot of lying takes place there as well. In the criminal underworld too I'll bet. Even if lives depend on it or hang in the balance.
I can usually easily tell when people are lying to me. Watch their facial expressions and how they act. If they don't keep good eye contact they're usually lying, or if they're doing something like tapping their finger it shows a sign of being nervous. That's usually what I do to tell if people are lying to me, so yeah, it's pretty easy.
Some people just don't like eye contact though. Shy people come to mind. Sometimes if folks think you're ugly they won't look you in the eye as well lol. But the opposite is true, if they think you're hot. To avoid temptation they'll avoid eye contact also. It's not only just dishonest people.
I can easily tell. When people lie they tend to have very vague tics and they don't even realize it. When someones acting suspicious I can just look them in the eye and when they look back they give themselves away. Liars tend to not blink, and make extended eye contact, especially when they are waiting for a response from you.
Not only can I tell when they are lying to me, but I can tell when they are lying to themselves as well. It's a pretty taskful skill to have and it really is a drain on the soul to keep having to see people lie through their teeth and trick themselves into doing stuff they don't like everyday. But what can I do? People will keep doing what they do, and I guess the most I could do is just the same, which is to do what I have to do, so that's exactly what I try to do. :)
Money talks. Everyone at some point has worked a job, or done something in a daily routine they hate for money or the greater good. Some people don't like working out, but if you wanna look good you have to.
It's actually hard to tell when people are lying but if you notice their voice wavering or fluctuating unusually then they most likely are.
People who can't hold a stare are usually lying I would think. Of course, it excludes shy people who tend to look away and answer in mellow tones. Sales talk based on bloated information, I believe is the most dangerous form of lying. Imagine me buying something based on information given and then realizing it was a scam. It is difficult to catch a ghost.

There is no need to worry about people coming face-to-face and trying to lie. It won't get them anywhere. Unless I meet people who lie so very often, it would be difficult to catch on to lies. But then I would rather meet positive people and learn while avoiding people who lie and feel disappointed.
I think it's pure fabrication that people who fail to hold eye contact are lying purely because if you're like me, you're often nervous when you look into someone else's eyes
Yeah sometimes, I think I know if they were lying. The way they talk, the body gesture, they eye contact, Those things is the reason why I think they are lying. Most of the time they will not admit it but actually I don't care. Just a little time and they will admit it.