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Can You Tell When People are Lying?

Yes, definitely with the people I'm close with. However, I do believe that expert liars can't be easily caught so I kind of like investigate first before I make my final judgement towards an issue or a person's attitude and personality.
Yes, I can, whether it is a stranger or someone who is very close to me.
When I was a student, I had a well-skilled psychology teacher. At her lessons, she explained to us how we can see if a person is lying looking at his body signals.
I also have a good intuition an ability to meditate on the situation. I trust my inner feelings. Try to look wider at the situation and find out some extra information about it, it will help.
I think that I am bright enough to pretend that I believe a lying person in particular cases.
Quite hard for me to tell if the person is lying especially those who are very good at it. Somewhat they have already strategies on how to do a best lie. But sometimes I can sense also through their eye contacts, voice, body language and too defensive approach during conversation. So let’s just be careful and be wise to deal in order for the truth to prevail.
I am not an expert when it comes to reading people. But I think you can tell if someone is lying when they possess a different uncomfortable vibe. Usually you can tell if they're lying when you look at straight through their eyes.
I won't say that I'm a master at spotting liars, but there are a few gestures that show a person could be lying. For instance, if the person that you're talking to is unable to maintain eye contact and for some reason is acting nervous, then that could be a clear indication of lying.
Yeah, sometimes people have telltale signs when they are lying but there are just some people who have made it a habit to lie and it's really hard to tell when they are telling the truth or not. They mostly have a reputation though as told by other people so I get my defenses up and do not take whatever they say at face value.
I pride myself on being able to read people very well. I have always had this ability. I am good at knowing when people are lying to me, and can avoid certain sticky situations because of that, but it is still annoying that people lie to me in the first place, especially if it is over something silly or something that I simply don't care about. This skill also comes in handy when you are getting a money quote from someone on a job that you need doing.

Do you know when people are lying to you?
Yes I am, there is so many ways to know when people are lying, sometimes it depends on gestures or facial expressions or the way he speaks or even watching his eyes if he is speaking the truth. But to people we know very well I think its just natural that we know when they are telling the truth or lying to us because we know their backgrounds, ability and the way they are living their lives. So it is easy for us to find some clue about our experience with them and it helps us also to be aware.
You can tell if a person is lying through his/her body language, eye contact, and the way of speaking. If the person is not making an eye contact with you, it is possible that the person is lying. If you feel like something is wrong with the person when talking to you, the person is hiding something.
This is the question where people are having problems asking themselves since lies were invented. I think sometimes the signs that someone is lying aren't always easy to decipher but there are some obvious things and signs that one can see or feel when someone might be lying to you that you can watch out for. I my experience its always better to look them directly in the eye and you can tell it if they change the way they look or their head position and this happen right before the person is expected to respond to a question. Hope this helps 😂
I am not in habit of reading other people's minds because not even the devils can read minds. But I base my opinion on what the person does rather than on what he says or thinks. I reckon a person is lying if he tells things that really isn't true. If he tells me for example that he's happy in his life but I see him/her cursing a love one in public or hitting a child for no reason at all, then I might suspect he/she is lying. A hypocrite may be a more appropriate term but it boils down to the same thing. Some psychologists say that there are body movements that may reveal a person to be lying. It's good to be aware of that sometimes but I really doubt if we can technically use that even in the courts of law.
maybe some people and maybe not. I guess what's common to a person is that every person at some point lies, i don't believe on a person that don't lies maybe not often but still maybe once in his/her life the he/she have lied.
There's no way I can be able to tell correctly when someone is lying because I'm not a magician. I can only look at the facts and try to examine them to find out the lie. If the person covered his or her tracks well, it's going to be very difficult for me to know he or she lied.
I can't tell when people are lying and I'm not going to bother myself trying to find out when they are lying as long as their lies are not going to affect whatever thing that I'm doing.
You can tell if a person is lying through his/her body language, eye contact, and the way of speaking. If the person is not making an eye contact with you, it is possible that the person is lying. If you feel like something is wrong with the person when talking to you, the person is hiding something.
You are very correct about reading someone's body language but the problem is that it is very difficult for you to do that when that person is very cunning. I've seen a lot of people that are very good when it comes to lying and you can not be able to catch them at all.
I pride myself on being able to read people very well. I have always had this ability. I am good at knowing when people are lying to me, and can avoid certain sticky situations because of that, but it is still annoying that people lie to me in the first place, especially if it is over something silly or something that I simply don't care about. This skill also comes in handy when you are getting a money quote from someone on a job that you need doing.

Do you know when people are lying to you?
I don't know how to tell when people are lying without having to evaluate what they told me with the facts on ground. If they don't add up, it's going to be impossible to know when they are lying. Anyone who can just tell when someone is lying correctly uses vodoo to know it if you believe in such things.
My sister often call me a detective because of how I always caught her children when they lied to her or to me.

I normally use people's body language and their eyes to know when they are saying the truth or telling lies. After every explanations, I will tell the person off because of the lie. Some have asked me how I knew that they were lying and some couldn't come up with anything than the truth.
It took me a while to be able to read someone's expressions when they were lying but over the years, I picked up on some things and now I am able to tell around 75% of the time if someone is not being fully honest with me or trying to hide something.