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Search results

  1. vpatella

    Best programming language to learn for an aspiring freelancer?

    I think with enough skill, nearly any programming language is a valuable asset to have for someone interested in freelancing. Being able to create software that others cannot create themselves is quite valuable in this century. What I'm wondering is what you all think is in the highest demand...
  2. vpatella

    Revenue Portal

    This looks pretty legitimate. It reminds me of Reddit's /r/beermoney, however I'm seeing some things on here that I haven't seen before. I'll definitely consider joining, as I'm always looking for ways to make a little money online. Reading some of the articles I've already gotten some ideas...
  3. vpatella

    The Buying Cycle

    I am also confused. Are you suggesting that people only buy something when it is constantly advertised to them? Are you maybe referring to the foot-in-the-door phenomena? Where did you hear this?
  4. vpatella

    What makes JavaScript stand out from other programming langauges?

    By that I mean, why should I learn it? What functionality does it serve that makes it an asset with so many other languages available? Do you think it's necessary to learn other languages before beginning with JavaScript, and if so what languages are similar and useful to have in your repertoire...
  5. vpatella

    Intro to Graphic Design?

    I think it depends on the scope of your work. You can set yourself up with some free resources and software, such as Pixlr's online editor software which emulates Photoshop .Most professional-level work is created with professional-level software, though. I would personally start with some...
  6. vpatella

    Best sites to learn web development for free?

    I agree with what Ash said and would definitely point towards Codeacademy. Not sure if aecel has ever used it, but it does a good job of explaining and breaking down the concepts it is teaching you how to use. Sort of like a hands-on eBook. I would use it in conjunction with documentation and...
  7. vpatella

    Paying for marketing

    Nah, I'm not necessarily talking about selling out. I'm just talking about my perceived distinctions in the advertising world. I can't remember the last time I saw a pop-up advertisement for some local band performing nearby, you know what I mean? That type of advertisement seems to be owned by...
  8. vpatella

    Paying for marketing

    Fair enough, you clearly know more about this field than I do. I guess I'm thinking more along the lines of a consumer rather than a marketer or analyst. My product is art, and advertising and marketing art without having an industry connect is more of a creative process than a technical one.
  9. vpatella

    Content Creator

    Hey all. I noticed this section was a little empty so I figured I'd come in here and give it a jump. I personally offer content for all types of projects, and I offer a lot of it for free depending on the amount of work involved. I write articles, I will happily join your forums and threads...
  10. vpatella

    Paying for marketing

    How necessary do you guys think it is to pay for marketing/advertising? Do you think a creative ad campaign that uses its budget to catch the Internet's attention rather than paying for the ad itself to be seen is better than shelling out cash? I've discussed before how I'm not a fan of paid...
  11. vpatella

    The state of modern advertising

    I think about what advertising has come to a lot, and I wonder a lot about its effectiveness. Modern advertising is such a hegemony in American culture. It's like companies are paying billions of dollars just to find out what their customers like so they can put a picture of it in front of their...
  12. vpatella

    Illustrator or Photoshop?

    I've used Photoshop more in my lifetime, but honestly I'm not really too sure about how Illustrator works. I've seen it used for drawing-type projects, but it was difficult to get into without any outside resources. Photoshop is a little bit more intuitive in my opinion. Always wanted to learn...
  13. vpatella

    How many of you have invested in cryptocurrency?

    The proper way to begin learning is to learn about Blockchain, which is the basis of basically all cryptocurrency. Many people skip this step because they are eager to invest, and cannot even tell you what Blockchain is. Google should be enough to get you started on that. Apart from that, you...
  14. vpatella

    When You Can't Get to Sleep

    I usually just try to do something mindless, If my mind gets too active when I can't sleep then I'll just keep myself up all night. I try to read to not look at screens too much.
  15. vpatella

    How many of you have invested in cryptocurrency?

    If so, why?
  16. vpatella

    Favourite websites?

    I'm a big fan of Reddit, but lately it's been putting a sour taste in my mouth because I think the age demographic is changing to a much younger crowd, along with all of the politically motivated moderation that has been happening lately. Other than that, I mostly just use Youtube for...
  17. vpatella

    Sports streaming Once you figure out how the ad system works, it's extremely reliable. You have to close several ads and receive a few pop-ups before the stream will run properly, but after you do it correctly it works every time (or at least it has for me). Alternatively, if you have a cable...
  18. vpatella

    Looking to learn javascript? Have a look!

    Thanks for your compilation. I'm wondering if there is a particular resource that you believe to be the most useful? I guess it would make sense to just grab one and go for it, but I'd like to get some inside opinions from someone who has looked into them.
  19. vpatella

    Where did you learn HTML?

    Initially my cousin got me interested in it when I was younger. He showed me how to inspect web pages to read the code and showed me how you can change it to find out how it would change the page. I think this is a great way to get comfortable with manipulating code, but some more formal...
  20. vpatella

    Advises about Web development?

    I would think that an important trait to have in today's market is diversity. It seems it is not enough these days to specialize in one field and use that as your selling point. Obviously with web development HTML is a great starting point, but I would urge developers to think about what sets...