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Nowadays you can buy a decent VPS for $7 a month. Install a free control panel and you could have your own reseller operation. It's definitely worth spending a few dollars if you're serious about your websites.
Is that possible? :O The $ 7 per month? :O only? :O
sorry for my reaction but I'm shocked!
I wish you luck with 000webhost. You might do pretty well with it. I would still consider putting a bit of money to the side to spring for a good paid plan though.
You can control a structure that you can use to use your theme wide or narrow.
You can control the layout of the forum list in a grid or ordinary listing style structure.
You can control the structure where you can open/close images in the grid forum list.
You can get rid of the crowded view in the forum by closing the sidebar.
You can make it more useful and easier to access by pinning the sidebar.
You can use the radius at the corners of the blocks according to your taste by closing/opening it.