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When You Can't Get to Sleep

I don't often suffer from Insomnia. I actually sleep very well most of the time, but when I am unfortunate enough to suffer with not being able to fall asleep, I will usually smoke. I find that smoking tires me out a little. If that doesn't work then I will often read something. It could be anything. I find that the eye movement really gives you that extra push that you need in order to fall asleep.

What do you do when you can't sleep?
I try and browse the computer a for a little while. If that doesn't work,I try and lay still in bed, without moving for as long as possible. I read somewhere that if lay completely still for 10 minutes, you WILL fall asleep. It definitely works.
Browsing the computer might actually keep you from falling asleep. Try reading a book at the end of the night, that always starts to get me sleepy. I'll read until I can't keep my eyes open anymore.
I try and browse the computer a for a little while. If that doesn't work,I try and lay still in bed, without moving for as long as possible. I read somewhere that if lay completely still for 10 minutes, you WILL fall asleep. It definitely works.

I've never heard of the ten minute, not moving trick before. But surely that is impossible because you have to breathe, and so your lungs and stomach expand and then deflate, which is movement in my book. Do you just mean not moving any of your limbs? I will be sure to give this a try, although I think i may have already done this before without any positive results to speak of.

I could never browse my computer when I want to go to sleep. There are so many things that I could get into.
When I cannot go to sleep, I usually surf the Internet. Part of this late night surfing involves reading anything I can. I find that reading in the night helps me to go back to sleep. I cannot actively surf the Internet when I wake up in the night. I must begin to read. Now, I guess I can read that large textbook as well.
When I cannot go to sleep, I usually surf the Internet. Part of this late night surfing involves reading anything I can. I find that reading in the night helps me to go back to sleep. I cannot actively surf the Internet when I wake up in the night. I must begin to read. Now, I guess I can read that large textbook as well.

This is so strange that everybody turns to the world wide web to soothe them to sleep when they cannot get any shut eye. I had no idea that the internet seemed like something that would send people to sleep. It's too exciting of a place to do that, in my opinion. So many possibilities. Thanks for the tip about the textbook. Maybe if I begin to read a large Math textbook, my mind will already have shut down from boredom and intimidation before I even crack open the book, causing me to sleep :D
You guys need to figure out why it is you're having trouble sleeping. If I can't sleep, a hot shower knocks me right out.
When I cannot go to sleep, I usually surf the Internet. Part of this late night surfing involves reading anything I can. I find that reading in the night helps me to go back to sleep. I cannot actively surf the Internet when I wake up in the night. I must begin to read. Now, I guess I can read that large textbook as well.

That's quite the opposite for me. If I surf the net, I will end up being up the whole night through. I always have to force myself to shutdown my computer so that I can get some sleep. It's the net that's keeping me awake not the other way round.
You guys need to figure out why it is you're having trouble sleeping. If I can't sleep, a hot shower knocks me right out.

Very true. I don't suffer from sleeping problems that often to be honest, but when I do I hate it. It's hard to pinpoint why I can't sleep. I could go with the cliche and say that I am stressed, but I am also stressed on those nights that I just go out like a light too, and I am easily able to succumb to slumber then, so pinpointing why I can't sleep is hard. It may be diet - it could be anything, or a combination of different things. It would make more sense for it to be a combination of things rather than it just being one thing.
The net keeps me awake sometimes too but honestly I have no problems getting offline when I'm tired. You'll never get anything accomplished online if you're exhausted. Especially work wise.
I go log on to a video site (can I mention other sites here?) and load a video of waves and let the sound of the waves crashing be my lullaby. After a few minutes I find myself just floating off to la la land. Hope that helps you because it helps me immensely.
Sleep? What is this sleep you speak of? I don't think I would sleep if I didn't have to. Most of the time I am playing games, reading comics, or surfing the net! I feel like sleep just gets in the way of us doing what we really want to do.
When I cannot sleep at night, I usually listen to music especially pop songs. It makes my spirit calm in when I'm in negative vibe. I also watch vlogs from different famous vloggers to change my mood.
Well if i can't sleep, and did all the things just to sleep but still useless, It's time for me now to drink beer. two to three bottles are enough for me to have a better sleep. Listening to music before was effective, but this time, I think I'm immune, and beer is my last thing to rely on.
I usually just try to do something mindless, If my mind gets too active when I can't sleep then I'll just keep myself up all night. I try to read to not look at screens too much.
I also have a problem in sleeping during at night. But what I do is that I listen to slow rock song or anything that has a slow beat. Sometimes if I can't really sleep I will ask somebody to massage me so that I will feel relax or I do a little exercise and stretching so that my body can feel tired. I stay away from my phone and any gadgets because I will be tempted to watch video or anything that will divert my attention from sleeping.
I have insomnia and I can't sleep easily especially if it's past midnight. When I can't sleep what I do is to just lie down on my bed and move my feet for it to be tired and for my body to be also tired, When I feel very tired already, my eyes immediately shuts down and I'm on for a good night sleep. However, that doesn't work all the time tho and I'm a zombie every time it doesn't work.
The most common reason nowadays why people can't sleep early or having a poor sleep habit is the gadget surfing hours before going to bed. I and my husband were so guilty of this last time. He was usually with his iPad playing games and I was with my iPhone busy with social media updates. We realized one day that these aren't all well with our health in general. Since then, we opt in listening to instrumental music until we fall asleep or we have a good regular sex.;) Those are all great. We achieve a good sleep always.
I wake my husband up and ask him to tell me some stories, Actually, I cannot sleep only when I have some pain in my body, so it happens very rarely. Normally, I sleep calmly.
And yes, we also do not use any gadgets right before going to sleep. I am sure that everyone should take a shower before going to sleep, it relaxes the body and calms down.
Do not forget to air the room and try to use special aroma candles for the night to make your sleep calm. It will help for sure.