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What Constututes Wisdom?

A lot of people in the world will define wisdom in lot of different ways. Some people see people who have a lot of money as being people who are wise, others will attribute wisdom to someone just because of their age. But I disagree with those things. I don't think that those things constitute wisdom. What do you think makes a person wise, and why?
For the most part, experience. I feel that has a great part in someone who is considered wise. Someone who has experienced troublesome times first hand, and especially those who look at such troubles from the view of right or wrong.
Wisdom is all about not buying in to the BS and crap fed to you by society. I'd constitute wisdom as anyone who avoids organized religion for one. Doesn't buy into the military industrial complex, questions more often than they blindly follow, and of course who takes care of themselves health and body wise. There are a lot of stupid people with money. So wisdom definitely isn't from being rich.
Wisdom has a lot to do with experience. It's not just about knowledge. It's about having seen a lot of things. Then you will have a framework to make your next decision. As to whether you have made a wise decision or not, only time will tell. Which is why people who have been around for a long time tend to be wiser. Not because they are necessarily any smarter. It's just that they have gone through more mistakes and knew which ones not to repeat. No guarantee, though, that they won't repeat any.
Wisdom is all about not buying in to the BS and crap fed to you by society. I'd constitute wisdom as anyone who avoids organized religion for one. Doesn't buy into the military industrial complex, questions more often than they blindly follow, and of course who takes care of themselves health and body wise. There are a lot of stupid people with money. So wisdom definitely isn't from being rich.

I have to say that this is the answer that I resonate the most with. yes wisdom seems like it is about experience, but if you experience a ton of things in your life and never learn from the mistakes then one cannot say that they have derived any wisdom from those experiences, if that makes any sense. I completely agree with you about society, organized religion. It's all group think, as David Icke would put it. My auntie has a lot of money, and she's is ridiculously stupid. Money is all that matters to her. I think she's a first-timer here on earth lol. People who reincarnate on Earth for the first time, are said to be so wowed by the experience that one of their traits is that they are very materialistic.
I personally believe that wisdom has to do with three main things. Experiences, knowledge, and open-mindedness.
I personally believe that wisdom has to do with three main things. Experiences, knowledge, and open-mindedness.

Yes, I have to agree that open-mindedness is one of the main factors that one has to have. It lends a massive hand to how wise a person is. My auntie is one of the most closed-minded people I know, and because of that she is neither intelligent or wise. But I don't know what her soul came here for, and so I can't really comment on whether or not she will progress without any wisdom.
Wisdom is knowing how to implement your knowledge. It doesn't matter how old you are. It matters how you use your resources.
Wisdom, to me, is insight. Being able to draw valid conclusions not so much from previous experiences as from having a birdseye view of the situation. Knowledge, to me, is experience. Learning from your actions in the past, to improve on them in the future.
Wisdom is knowing how to implement your knowledge. It doesn't matter how old you are. It matters how you use your resources.

Wow, I love the way that you put that. I agree that that is one aspect of Wisdom, but there are others. But what you mentioned is one massive aspect of wisdom. To Janvanaa, I agree with your notion of wisdom also. I have often lived with a birds-eye view, sometimes to my detriment.
A lot of wisdom is understanding what you don't understand as much as what you do. It's not all about knowledge. I equate wisdom to more of an deeper understanding about yourself
I am not really sure if people with money are wise. However, I am very sure of one thing. They can't be really that stupid if they have all that money. That's assuming that they made that money and did not get it by chance. As for being unwise to believe in God, that's debatable but this is not the forum for such a debate.
Wisdom is the ability to apply the knowledge that you have obtained.
Exactly!! When you look at it from the spiritual side, you can remember when Solomon asked God for wisdom and it's all about knowledge to know how to be a good ruler.