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Images or videos in advertising content

To the best of my knowledge, it is always better to have both images and videos when it comes to your advertisement because they would both complement themselves so that it will have more impression on those that are viewing it.
Advertising is never complete now without video as part of it which is what a lot of people are looking out for when they are consuming your advertising content. The videos give more information to whatever product and services you are advertising which is why you must never do your advert without videos.
Advertising is the process of processing messages in such a way that it's going to be very persuading and influencing towards swaying people's minds in preferring a particular product and services over other rivals in the market. Now, a well marketer wouldn't just use words alone to try and convince people but he or she would incorporate images or videos which buttress the content message. Remember the saying that a picture is worth more than a thousand words and videos leaves a more lasting impression.

Between images and videos, which is more effective in making an advertisement message more persuasive and influencial? If you are a marketer, would you use one from either of them or both of them?
You can't market successfully right now without making use of both images and videos because they are the most appealing variables in the marketing that you need to do for your business product and services to have more effects.
They both are really effective if you use a good click baits and don't try to give off a too good to be true click bait as that could sometimes scare some audience away if on clicking they find out that you are giving off the wrong impression not information about what you are offering.
Using exciting videos for advertising is simply the best thing that anyone can do since many people are now getting tired of the buzz around written words. I prefer the video type of advertising since it has proven to bring better results over time.
People are more influenced and convinced with videos more that just words and pictures. Look at how all the social media sites that are video oriented grow so fast. Personally, I love advertisements with videos.
I make use of both images and videos whenever I'm marketing any of my products.

There's no way I'm going to use only pictures. I might use only videos but not only pictures.
The nature of your business product determines if videos or pictures are better used for its advertising. But under normal circumstances, videos are supposed to give better results when used for advertising.
Advertising is the process of processing messages in such a way that it's going to be very persuading and influencing towards swaying people's minds in preferring a particular product and services over other rivals in the market. Now, a well marketer wouldn't just use words alone to try and convince people but he or she would incorporate images or videos which buttress the content message. Remember the saying that a picture is worth more than a thousand words and videos leaves a more lasting impression.

Between images and videos, which is more effective in making an advertisement message more persuasive and influencial? If you are a marketer, would you use one from either of them or both of them?

You won't get the best out of your advertisement if you're not making use of both video and pictures together with words too. All of them makes your advertisement to be complete and it's going to appeal to everyone!
Video advertising is the best way to go with putting your business out there for people to see. Videos are very convincing when customers are watching it.
I think video advertising is the best choice.
It's true that videos have a better impact when it comes to advertising but that doesn't mean images doesn't work too. It depends on what kind of adverts you want to carry out.
Both image and video look good in the advertisement, but it depends on the type of ad we should choose. Select unique images and genuine video content...
Yeah, that's very correct. The kind and nature of advertisement you want to carry out, the nature of products will determine if it's going to video ads that will be more efficient and effective.