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Search results

  1. D

    Lesser Known Social Sites

    It seems like the trend of social media sites popping up constantly is slowing down a little bit, but I wonder if there are any social media sites you guys use other than the popular ones? I think Pinterest is the last I've picked up, and for a while, I've sworn off signing up with new ones...
  2. D

    Ecommerce Site Or Ebay?

    I'm wondering how practical it would be to opt for a personal ecommerce site nowadays. It's hardly as easy as just making an account on Ebay and instantly gaining their built in audience. So I'd like to ask you guys if you think making your own ecommerce site is still practical, as opposed to...
  3. D

    Best Places To Buy Or Rent Ads

    I understand that probably the best way to rent and show ads is by utilizing services like Adwords, but I've been curious about advertising directly by just contacting a blog owner or forum owner instead. Have any of you had any experience with this? If so, would you have any tips to share, and...
  4. D

    Your Bucket List

    Do you guys have a bucket list? I myself have one, but I never really wrote anything down, though I suppose I should. I want to experience a lot of things before I pass away including skydiving, building something, and travelling to a couple of nice countries, among other things. I've...
  5. D

    Video Sites That Pay

    I've been looking into making some gaming videos that I could upload and possibly make money off of, but after reading about Youtube and the numbers you'd have to reach just to become a partner and get paid, I got a bit discouraged. So I checked out Twitch and Blip as well, and they seem nice...
  6. D

    Benefits Of Having A Google+ Account?

    I've recently signed up for a Google+ account, since it's automatic and comes with signing up with Blogger. I'm just wondering if there are any more benefits to Google+ other than what I could get from Facebook a lot easier, since a lot more people use Facebook anyway, I assume. Are there any...
  7. D

    Royalty-Free Stock Photo Resources

    Whenever I'm doing a design project, I usually just Google for free stock pictures pertaining to my required topic or theme, and I never really found one good site that had a good and diverse library of stock photos being offered for free commercial use. The ones that I have been finding so far...
  8. D

    Where Do You Get The Best Free Fonts?

    I've always been using to get free fonts, but I feel as if the fonts that could be found there aren't as good of a quality as fonts should really be. Most of them are a bit rough around the edges, and the nice ones aren't usually free to use for commercial use and instead could only...