New member
I would like that when a user hovers different words, that a random arrangement of thumbnails fades-in.
Some caveats:

And here's a fiddle of what I have so far: https://jsfiddle.net/2jddfsjad/ewk4dzLp/9/
Some caveats:
- thumbs should stay fairly close to the corresponding text.
- thumbs can overlap, but not fully.
- both the text and the thumb positions should be random on every page refresh
- text and thumbs shouldn't fall outside the screen.
- should be scalable (i.e.. I will have max. 10 texts and max. 10 thumbs for every text. the thumbs could spread concentrically if need be)

And here's a fiddle of what I have so far: https://jsfiddle.net/2jddfsjad/ewk4dzLp/9/