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New to html


Junior Member
Hello all, I am new to html and i have a pretty basic question to ask. You know how you can download templates for free to use inside of adobe Dreamweaver? well i was wondering how the heck do you actually use the template -.- Am i completely stupid or am i actually aloud to just right open the index inside of the template folder and simply open with Dreamweaver and start adding all my information to it. Thank you all
I really don't recommend using dreamweaver because I think that you will not learn about HTML that way. The best way to learn is to open notepad (I would strongly recommend Sublime Text 2, because it's great) and just start typing the code. It is really fun and you will learn a lot more that way. That is just my opinion :)
As a beginner, I recommend you don't use dreamweaver. First, as someone else suggested, learn to type code properly by hand. Look up some video tutorials online, there are plenty of free ones. Once you can code without hesitation, move onto dreamweaver.
If you'd really like to learn html by hand with tutorials or need some help, I thought codecademy was very good. It goes through the process step by step and will show you how to code by hand. It also goes through CSS and there are options for you to chose other languages, as well.
Well, Dreamweaver isn't exactly useless for a newbie like some of us painted it. I think you should open the downloaded template, and use the split interface on Dreamweaver to edit it. This way you can see what the page looks like on a WYSIWYG interface, as well as the codes used to create each element on the page. You should be able to learn faster this way.
As you mention that you are new to HTML, well, I would strongly suggest that DONT use any Free Templates for now. Instead, look at those templates, and try to re-create them from scratch - if you really wanna learn HTML and its Practical Usage. Once you get near to that look and feel, opt for learning CSS and that should help you getting closer to the look and feel.

Once you have mastered this, then use the Free Templates.

As for all those who have suggested that Dreamweaver is NOT good for Learning HTML, they did not see that you are a newbie who wants to work with existing Templates - without a good IDE, you would surely find yourself lost specially when you are yet to master the HTML/CSS
Learning HTML requires least basic familiarity with using computers, and using the web passively (i.e. just looking at it, consuming the content). You should have a basic work environment set up as detailed in Installing basic software, and understand how to create and manage files.