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HTML5 is a markup language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, and is a core technology of the Internet originally proposed by Opera Software. It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (created in 1990 and standardized as HTML4 as of 1997) and, as of May 2012, is still under development. Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers, etc.). HTML5 is intended to subsume not only HTML 4, but XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2 HTML as well.

Thanks, Wikipedia!

According to different reports, HTML will not be ready until next year. It won't support some current HTML tags like <center> or <font>. Those should be replaced with text-align:center; and font-family, color, etc.

Some demos you can try: - Note that videos require almost no buffering at all!

Some HTML5 games demos: - Most of them are still "raw" though, but hey, they're not Flash-based!

Is your site HTML5-ready yet?
Ive been hearing about htm5 for years now. why is it taking so long for it to be officially released.
Ive been hearing about htm5 for years now. why is it taking so long for it to be officially released.

In their defense, when they initially announced it, they gave an estimated timeframe. It's just that some people got too excited and couldn't stop talking about it when it was still in its early stages.
I dunno, I remember hearing about it and yeah, people were excited, but they were also saying stuff like "Look out 2012! Everything's changing at the beginning of this year."

Welp, look how that went.
Jeez, all I can say? Finally. Been waiting for this forever. I hope they'll have a full list of things to be phased out.
Yes, they said it will be ready next year, but there are a lot of implementations that can be used right know. Especially the doctype, it's just: <doctype HTML>
For me the best part is that you can embed video without having to use third-party plugins. Although, there are currently issues with the sound API.
Somebody told me that with HTML5, we can do without flash. Is that true? If it's true, that should be good news because flash tends to slow down the page load speed by quite a bit.
Somebody told me that with HTML5, we can do without flash. Is that true? If it's true, that should be good news because flash tends to slow down the page load speed by quite a bit.

Yes, you can embed video, audio and even make videogames. You can search for "cut the rope" on the Chrome We Store, it's a game made completely using HTML5. Also, you can sopport all mobile browers, something that you can't do using flash.
Also, you can sopport all mobile browers, something that you can't do using flash.

I hadn't thought of that! Indeed, not all mobile browsers (in smartphones and tablets) support Flash, and it can be a pain in the butt to play videos that way. I really like that HTML5 videos don't take ages buffering like anything Flash-based.
Yes, Victor Leigh you are right in HTML5 we can do without flash. It is true. In HTML5 also have more new topic like Canvas, SVG, Drag, Geolocation, Semantic and much more.
I heard of HTML many years ago when Opera was the only browser with support for the video tag and only for OGG videos. I believe it was 2007 or 2008. It didn't took much time for Chrome and Firefox to support video. Those two browsers also had support for h264, I don't know if Opera now supports that codec too or not.

Too many years have passed by and still I had no clue about how to create HTML5 websites. Shame on me!
Somebody told me that with HTML5, we can do without flash. Is that true? If it's true, that should be good news because flash tends to slow down the page load speed by quite a bit.

I've heard this too. I'd be really happy if HTML5 has sufficient potential to match Flash. That'd be so much more convenient, and everyone would have the functionality already built in without any need to install a 3rd party application in a professional environment.

But back to the topic, I'm surprised it still hasn't been released. I thought it was out for many years now honestly! :confused:
Ive been hearing about htm5 for years now. why is it taking so long for it to be officially released.
I think there is some confusion in this thread over how html standards work. First off, there is no official release. The W3C, a standards organization with no real power, simply writes reports describing a new html standard. They break their reports (officially called a specification) down into different categories. They start with a working draft, then a candidate recommendation, then a proposed recommendation, and finally a w3c recommendation. However, a w3c recommendation should not be confused for an "official release". The reason being is that the web browsers decide how html is going to operate in the real world. Remember when Internet Explorer had so many weird quirks and bugs. The reason behind that is w3c has no power over how developers chose to write their browser. Browsers can stray from the w3c html specification as much as they want. So getting back to HTML5, it has been around for over three years now and with each new browser release we are seeing more and more functionality. Google's Chrome browser is currently the leader as far as an HTML5-ready browser goes. To test how many of HTML5's proposed features are working in your preferred browser, just try the html5 test. For those wondering about html5 video, yes it is working pretty well on my sites. JSPlayer is mentioned in this thread is just a pretty skin that will make your video player look the same cross-browser, it is not really needed to try out html5 video with the <video> tag. The one downside right now is that Firefox does not support H.264 encoding on the Mac. So you need to include a backup format. I suggest WebM, and the Miro video convertor. Let me know if you have other questions, and go start using html5. There is absolutely no reason to wait for the recommendation.
Ive been hearing about htm5 for years now. why is it taking so long for it to be officially released.

I think there are a few misconceptions in this thread. HTML standards are never officially released. The standards body, W3C, has no real power, they just make suggestions. Whenever they start on a new specification, it goes through multiple rounds of revisions from a "working draft" to a final "recommendation". Nothing about a recommendation is binding and the various browsers will interpret it differently, sometimes quite differently. For instance, Internet Explorer 6 and 7 had many quirks because they either didn't follow or didn't keep up with the latests standards. HTML5 has not reached final "recommendation" stage, but a new version of any browser will support many of the proposed HTML5 features. Chrome is leading the way, with Firefox not too far behind. To check your browser's HTML5 readiness, google html5 test. As far as HTML5 Video goes, it has come a long way in the past three years, and is now fairly robust. For most purposes you can just upload a H.264 encoded MP4, put it in the <video> tag and call it a day. The one holdout is Firefox on the Mac, for which I recommend also including your video in the WebM format. JSPlayer is just a javascript file and a css file that provides a pretty skin on top of your player. However, if you don't want to bother, all the latest version browsers will support just the video tag alone. The only drawback is you will get a different looking player in each browser. Let me know if you have any questions. There is no reason to wait to use HTML5, most of the features are already supported in modern browsers.