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html code modification


New member
I found this html code that creates dashboard/report in Rally

I have no experience in html but want to modify this code to include another filter by testCase.FormattedID. Currently there is one filter called "iterations"

Thank you

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<!-- Copyright (c) 2012 Rally Software Development Corp. All rights reserved -->
<title>Last Result By Test Set</title>
<meta name="Name" content="App: Last Result By Test Set" />
<meta name="Version" content="2012.11.22" />
<meta name="Vendor" content="Rally Software" />

<script type ="text/javascript" src="/apps/1.32/sdk.js"></script>
<script type ="text/javascript">
function LastResultByTestSet() {
this.display = function() {
var wait = null, table;
var noQualifiers = "There were no qualifying TestCaseResults in any TestSet for the selected release";

function showResults(results) {
if (wait) {
wait = null;
if (results.tsi.length === 0) {
tableHolder.innerHTML = "No TestSets associated with the selected iteration were found";

function byFormattedID(a, b) {
var cix = 0; // comparison index
if (a.FormattedID < b.FormattedID) {
cix = -1;
else if (a.FormattedID === b.FormattedID) {
cix = 0;
else /* (a.FormattedID > b.FormattedID) */ {
cix = 1;
return cix;

function byTestRunDate(a, b) {
var cix = 0; // comparison index
if (a.Date < b.Date) {
cix = -1;
else if (a.Date === b.Date) {
cix = 0;
else /* (a.Date > b.Date) */ {
cix = 1;
return cix;

function assembleLastTestCaseResult(testSet, testCase, testCaseResults) {
var lastTestCaseResult = testCaseResults.sort(byTestRunDate).pop();
var testSetIdent = testSet.FormattedID + " " + testSet.Name;
var linkConfig = {item : {FormattedID: testCase.FormattedID, "_ref" : testCase._ref}};
var testCaseLink = new rally.sdk.ui.basic.Link(linkConfig);
var testCaseIdent = testCaseLink.renderToHtml() + " " + testCase.Name;
var dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
var tcrDate = rally.sdk.util.DateTime.format(lastTestCaseResult.Date, dateFormat);
// assemble an object with info relevant to the last test case result
var ltcr = {'TestSet' : testSetIdent,
'TestCase' : testCaseIdent,
'LastResult' : lastTestCaseResult.Verdict,
'LastRun' : tcrDate
return ltcr;

var testCase = null;
var testCases = [];
var testCaseResult = null;
var testCaseResults = [];
var lastTestCaseResult = null;
var lastTestCaseResults = []; // container for lastTestCaseResult objects
var tcr;
var i,j;

var testSetFormattedID = null;
var testCaseFormattedID = null;

// do a one-time pass through results.tcr and build a 2 level dict
// of tstc_tcrs[TestSet][TestCase] = [TestCaseResults] items for easy direct access later
var tstc_tcrs = {};
for (i = 0; i < results.tcr.length; i++) {
tcr = results.tcr;
testSetFormattedID = tcr.TestSet.FormattedID;
testCaseFormattedID = tcr.TestCase.FormattedID;
if (! tstc_tcrs.hasOwnProperty(testSetFormattedID)) {
tstc_tcrs[testSetFormattedID] = {};
if (! tstc_tcrs[testSetFormattedID].hasOwnProperty(testCaseFormattedID)) {
tstc_tcrs[testSetFormattedID][testCaseFormattedID] = [];

// define a function that when given a TestSet.FormattedID and a TestCase.FormattedID
// will return the list of TestCaseResults if there are any for that combination
var getTestCaseResults = function(ts_fmtID, tc_fmtID) {
var testCaseResults = [];
if (tstc_tcrs.hasOwnProperty(ts_fmtID) && tstc_tcrs[ts_fmtID].hasOwnProperty(tc_fmtID)) {
testCaseResults = tstc_tcrs[ts_fmtID][tc_fmtID];
return testCaseResults;

//console.log("query returned " + results.tsi.length + " items");
for (i = 0; i < results.tsi.length; i++) {
testSet = results.tsi;
testCases = testSet.TestCases.sort(byFormattedID);
for (j = 0; j < testCases.length; j++) {
testCase = testCases[j];
//console.log("----> " + testCase.FormattedID);
testCaseResults = getTestCaseResults(testSet.FormattedID, testCase.FormattedID);
if (testCaseResults.length > 0) {
lastTestCaseResult = assembleLastTestCaseResult(testSet, testCase, testCaseResults);

var tableConfig = {
columnKeys : ['TestSet', 'TestCase', 'LastResult', 'LastRun' ],
columnHeaders: ['Test Set', 'Test Case', 'Last Result in Set', 'Last Run in Set' ],
columnWidths : ['220px', '280px', '120px', '150px' ]

if (table) {
table = new rally.sdk.ui.Table(tableConfig);
if (lastTestCaseResults.length === 0) {
rally.sdk.ui.AppHeader.showMessage("info", noQualifiers, 5000);

function runMainQuery() {
var selectedIteration = iterDropdown.getSelectedName();
var queryConfigs = [
{ key : 'tsi',
type : 'testset',
fetch: 'FormattedID,Name,TestCases,TestCase',
query: '(Iteration.Name = "' + selectedIteration + '")',
order: 'FormattedID'
key : 'tcr',
type : 'testcaseresult',
fetch: 'TestCase,TestSet,FormattedID,Verdict,Date',
query: '(TestSet.Iteration.Name = "' + selectedIteration + '")',
order: 'TestSet,TestCase,Date'

tableHolder.innerHTML = "";
wait = new rally.sdk.ui.basic.Wait({});

rallyDataSource.findAll(queryConfigs, showResults);


var tableHolder = document.getElementById('table');

var rallyDataSource =
new rally.sdk.data.RallyDataSource('__WORKSPACE_OID__',

var iterConfig = { label: 'Select an iteration: ',
showLabel: true,
labelPosition: "before"
iterDropdown = new rally.sdk.ui.IterationDropdown(iterConfig, rallyDataSource);
iterDropdown.display(document.getElementById("iterations"), runMainQuery);


<style type="text/css">
/* Add app styles here */


<script type="text/javascript">
function onLoad() {
var appCustom = new LastResultByTestSet();


<span id="iterations"></span>

<div style="height: 10px;"></div>
<div id="table"></div>