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Google Plus

I have heard form a few people now, that Google Plus is another great way to improve your online presence. Google Plus profiles always look pretty dead to me, and like they don't have all that much pull. Am I wrong? Have you sen any results by setting up a lengthy and detailed Google Plus profile?
It's not really Google+ that helps, it's their "+1" buttons. You must have a Google+ account to use those, and they're said to have a great impact on SEO.
I read somewhere that Google leans towards sites which have Google+ ratings. Can't really verify this, though. On my own sites, putting in the Google + button is more or less an afterthought.
It's not really Google+ that helps, it's their "+1" buttons. You must have a Google+ account to use those, and they're said to have a great impact on SEO.

Oh, thanks for clearing that up. I thought that it seemed a bit iffy - that just having a Google Plus profile would help your rank. but it makes sense that you would have to have that + button on your site, like a Facebook like button right? How do you put them on your site, - well blog, because I am using a blogger blog. You may not be able to do it with blogger, because it's pretty basic. Wordpress might be my best bet when attempting this.
Oh, thanks for clearing that up. I thought that it seemed a bit iffy - that just having a Google Plus profile would help your rank. but it makes sense that you would have to have that + button on your site, like a Facebook like button right? How do you put them on your site, - well blog, because I am using a blogger blog. You may not be able to do it with blogger, because it's pretty basic. Wordpress might be my best bet when attempting this.

Yeah, as a matter of fact, most pre-built social bookmarking tools already have the G+ buttons together with the 'Like' and 'Tweet' ones, since those are the musts of social media marketing.

Adding a G+ button is very simple, check out the official documentation:
I remember just last month when I offered a contest on one of my sites where I engage the users to share my site to their Social Networking Accounts. When I was browsing at the statistics I saw that a lot were G+-ing it so I decided to check it on Google Search and was surprised to see that one of those G+-ed my site was above my own website with the searched keyword that I used.
Yeah, as a matter of fact, most pre-built social bookmarking tools already have the G+ buttons together with the 'Like' and 'Tweet' ones, since those are the musts of social media marketing.

Adding a G+ button is very simple, check out the official documentation:

Hey, thank you :D Does anybody actively ask their traffic to click the G+ button? I have been to websites that will say to like them on Facebook, but I've never come across anybody telling their traffic to click the Google + button? Thanks again guys. It looks like I'm going to have to set my Google Plus page up now. Hopefully it'll be worth it, and my traffic will increase.
The google +1 button has landed my articles and forum many likes and much traffic. But I think it's not still widely used enough by the younger generation to gain large amounts of traffic. Mostly techies, google people, and business professionals use Google +1. Not your average 15 or 16 year old.
I've had a lot of people ask that, actually. I've seen people asking for a +1 on Gplus, but it's not used nearly as often as other platforms. Liking on facebook is still more popular by a long shot.
The google +1 button has landed my articles and forum many likes and much traffic. But I think it's not still widely used enough by the younger generation to gain large amounts of traffic. Mostly techies, google people, and business professionals use Google +1. Not your average 15 or 16 year old.
I have noticed this too NickJ. Google +1 seems to be used by a small, select niche of people. Anyone with tech articles will benefit from +1's, but if you are targeting a young, non tech market, the chances of getting a +1 are very slim.
If you ever want Google Authorship you have to play ball with Google Plus. It is one of the main mechanisms involved in their algo which helps them choose who gets it and who does not. Google Authorship has a great many benefits with nearly no downside. Google Plus is kind of dead at the moments. It is a developing project that has long term goals. If you watch its statistics you see it makes steady progress. It is less about the traffic you get from Google Plus itself and more about using it to bag that Google Authorship, which will get you tons of visibility in the search engine. With your picture next to your result in the search engines, you increase both your online presence and CTR.
Google plus is one really helpful tools that really helps us in our everyday lives when it comes to using technology especially Google. It has many feature which is beneficial to everybody and is applicable to all .
I also heard that it really helps. Personally, I began using it several months ago, and I found some activity on my blogs and YouTube channels through it. I spent some time to maintain it. As for now, I try to update it as often as I update my official pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I also attach a couple of links to messengers like Whatsapp to my blogs and channels. It was quite surprising to know that Google+ is that much powerful. I find its layout pretty easy and attractive. Google+ is worth trying!
I don't use google plus. I have zero knowledge about it. Is it like Facebook and Twitter? What can you do with it? Also, I haven't heard from a lot of people about it. My friends don't use it as well as my family members. I have heard from another forum though that it's great for blogging but I don't blog so I literally have no reason to use it.
It's pretty far down in terms of social media popularity, but with the recent Facebook controversy, it may see some increase in userbase so it doesn't hurt to consider it to increase your online presence.
It's pretty far down in terms of social media popularity, but with the recent Facebook controversy, it may see some increase in userbase so it doesn't hurt to consider it to increase your online presence.
Even with everything happening with Facebook, I just can't see it doing any better really. Google Plus is pretty much dead at the moment and I can't see anything ever helping it recover from where it is. There are a lot of problems with it and because of that most people have already forgotten about it and just refuse to use it at all (including me). There are other social networks that people would happily move to and start using more because of all this Facebook controversy including Twitter.
Even with everything happening with Facebook, I just can't see it doing any better really. Google Plus is pretty much dead at the moment and I can't see anything ever helping it recover from where it is. There are a lot of problems with it and because of that most people have already forgotten about it and just refuse to use it at all (including me). There are other social networks that people would happily move to and start using more because of all this Facebook controversy including Twitter.

I suppose you're right, and I think Facebook will eventually bounce back from the recent issues it has because there's just no other social media platform currently that rivals the features and interface that Facebook has; Twitter and Instagram have their own niche.
Many non-techies are oblivious of the benefits of Google +; with it you can maximise your online presence and get as much traffic for your blogs, forums and websites. Unfortunately, many in the online world are excessively concentrated on Twitter, Instangram, SnapChat, Facebook and a host of other.
Personally, I think Google+ was secretly the best photo storing platform around and I can't believe that it will be turning 5 years old in a few weeks! At least it survived but still it could not head off the rising threat of Facebook's irresistible urge to consume the entire internet. Till now it is the place I quickly dump my photos as it has a truckload of storage with it.