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Favorite coding language and why


Junior Member
May 12, 2013
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HTML Coins
What are your favorite coding languages?

I personally love CSS. Before I started coding in it I thought it was just a messy unorthodox language that I shouldn't be bothered being written without the aid of some software. I made every excuse to not start it, but when I finally dived in, it was amazing! CSS just does so much for your website in terms of visual appearance and ease of use. Instead of having one page with simple text on it, I could add lots of columns, rows, and boxes. It just makes things so much more appealing and clear, I'd recommend any new web developer to learn this ASAP.​
I have just begun programming in PHP and I'm enjoying it a lot. I have used blogs and CMS powered by PHP in the past but now I'm the one that is creating a dynamic site from scratch. I'm just beginning and there's still a lot of things that I need to learn in order of making amazing things on the web. And of course I'm using a lot of HTML and CSS within my PHP scripts.
My favourite coding languages are ;

1. CSS
2. Python
3. Javascript
4. Swift
5. PHP
It's only Python and Javascript that I have knowledge of and how to use them. They are the most popular coding language to the best of my knowledge. They serve me very well.
And of course I'm using a lot of HTML and CSS within my PHP scripts.
This is definitely the right way to go when it comes to learning new in programming because I also started the same way and it was difficult at first but along the line, I was able to catch up and I am enjoying it
CSS have always been my favourite coding language. It's what I was introduced to at first and I picked up very quickly. I'm getting used to Javascript now.
Only CSS and Javascript is the only programming language that I have the knowledge of. I'm still very new to it but it's going well in the right direction.
I have been putting in more time in learning CSS for the past 4 months. I'm progressing in the right direction to the best of my knowledge. I'm planning on learning it for at least 8 months.
It's only Javascript that I have been experimenting with for a while now and I'm very good at it. It's one of the easiest that I have used. I'm still going to get into using CSS.
I have mastered everything that I needed to learn on CSS. It took me a while before I was able to ace it but the time spent on learning it was worth it. When it comes to website design now, I'm very good at it and I'm already selling my services on Fiverr.
It was only on JavaScript that I was able to learn anything on programming. I tried to follow up my course but it was very difficult for me to get a grip on everything about how to program, so I had to stop.
I have learned coding over the years of running websites, I first started out learning HTML when I created free websites on Geocities when that was around, I miss that service.

When it comes to my favourite coding language I would have to say that HTML is my top favourite with CSS coming a close second.

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