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Best time to sleep?


New member
Sleeping is one of my favorite hobby when I lack of sleep for doing some of my online sites in the night, sometimes I am having a hard time in dealing to sleep because I have an insomnia before that is why I kept my self busy first before going to bed. If you will be asked what would be your preferred time to sleep? and why do you choose that way?

It is a pleasure to hear your thoughts and views about it, please share your ideas.
I usually sleep before 12 midnight, latest being 1 am (usually waking up at around 6-7 am). I used to have a bad habit of staying up until 3-4 am just to play video games and it was really affecting my health and productivity in the mornings so I set a time for myself to change my sleeping patterns.
I usually sleep before 12 midnight, latest being 1 am (usually waking up at around 6-7 am). I used to have a bad habit of staying up until 3-4 am just to play video games and it was really affecting my health and productivity in the mornings so I set a time for myself to change my sleeping patterns.

I have the same habit of staying up until 3 AM just to watch Korean dramas or Netflix. It was pretty bad since I couldn't function during the day. When I got my new job, I really discplined myself to sleep from 9-11 PM. This is so that I still have the energy to do whatever I have to do the next day. And as far as I have observed I don't feel sleepy during the day so I think that's good.
I always sleep between 10 PM till dawn at 2:00. I also have an insomnia but a slight one. I actually prefer sleeping on the afternoon however it's impossible because i'm a student and that's why whenever I get a chance to sleep at school, I'll definitely sleep whenever there's a table or a chair with an arm.
I don't have any particular time or best time to sleep. I can go to work without sleep. It's always up to my body if when I need lay on my bed. Sleeping is really hard for me. Sometimes I need two bottles of beer just to get some sleep. Most of the time I will sleep during my travel going to work, inside the bus during the heavy traffic.
I heard that we should measure our sleep in 90 minutes. It means that we should sleep 1.5 hours, or 3 hours, or 4.5 hours, or 6 hours, or 7,5 hours, or 9 hours. It is much better for our health than sleeping 2 or 8 hours. When I tried it, I found out that 7,5 hours are the best variant for me. My husband and I work up to late evening, and we go to bed at 2 a.m. When I wake up at 9.30, I feel best of all.
When I was a student, I had to wake up early. With time, I understood that it is not for me, as I always felt not well during the day. I am glad that my husband also prefers working in evening and sleeping in morning.
I am trying my best to sleep early whenever I am at my hometown since I am not able to work for my online sites since the internet connection is very weak in our place, but when I am on my place of work which has a stable internet connection I always lack of sleep because I prioritize working for my online sites till midnight because I want earn more and I am enjoying with it. that is why I do not sleep early at night since I am spending much time to some of my online sites..
10:00 PM is always my preferred sleeping time. I know it seems very middle school but it works for me. Sleeping at this time allows me to get up early, around 5 in the morning. This gives me enough time to exercise while still not be late for school. You might wonder how I sleep earlier than most people. Well, for starters, I avoid the internet at around 7 in the evening. It can be really time consuming and useless. And before you know it, it's already 1 in the morning. Studies have also shown that looking at the screen of your devices also keeps you awake. Something about the blue light emitted from the monitor. I try to avoid using any gadgets at night and only resort to reading books. Reading can be a peaceful and calming experience. It puts your mind at ease and it sends you to sleep at the right time.
I have the same habit of staying up until 3 AM just to watch Korean dramas or Netflix. It was pretty bad since I couldn't function during the day. When I got my new job, I really discplined myself to sleep from 9-11 PM. This is so that I still have the energy to do whatever I have to do the next day. And as far as I have observed I don't feel sleepy during the day so I think that's good.

Yeah, it was the same for me as I had to go to class at 7 am so I would usually be late or fall asleep in class and it was quite embarrassing getting caught by the professor, lol.
For me there isn't exactly a best time for sleep. I believe if you had enough sleep then that is as best as it could be. It is hard to get a full eight hour sleep everyday especially if you're a busy person and you have a lot of things to do. So having the chance to sleep for such a long time would already be enough for me, no matter what time that would be. That would mean your body could recharge from everything you did the past day and so you have the energy to be able to work the following day.
I always try as much as possible to go to bed very early because I love being strong in the morning when I wake up because whenever I don't sleep well, I wake up very weak in the morning..
I find it very difficult to sleep at night which makes me to stay up awake until around 2 a.m. every night before I will be able to find small sleep and I will always wake up very early in the morning.
Sleeping is one of my favorite hobby when I lack of sleep for doing some of my online sites in the night, sometimes I am having a hard time in dealing to sleep because I have an insomnia before that is why I kept my self busy first before going to bed. If you will be asked what would be your preferred time to sleep? and why do you choose that way?

It is a pleasure to hear your thoughts and views about it, please share your ideas.
I try as much as possible to have a good rest or sleep every night. This is because whenever I don't get enough sleep in the night, I will wake up looking haggard. I would feel fuzzy and dizzy all day.
I find that I am able to work better on things that I do online on a night when it is quieter and I have less chance of being disturbed, This means that I tend to stay up later at night and sleep during the day if I need to catch up, usually when my kids are in school or out at college or work. I have tried so many times to set a better schedule but I always fall back into staying up late with it being so quiet later on.
To recharge both body and mind, an afternoon nap can do much. Yet, the optimal sleeping schedule is determined by each person's unique needs and routines. Some people do best with an afternoon nap, while others may do better in the evening. You should try out a few various bedtimes to find what works best for you.
Whenever you can sleep is probably the best time for you to sleep. If you can't sleep when you're forcing yourself to sleep isn't the best time for your body to sleep. I usually sleep around 11pm and it's my best time to sleep.
I don't sleep early enough, I will be awake watching movies and until I complete the series or the movie, sleep won't enter my eyes. My best sleeping time has been from 1am or 2am every night.