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Are you always late? or are you always on time?


Time management is important to our everyday life because it is not a special resource that one can store or save for later use and everyone has the exact same amount of time each day. Most people think and feel that they have so much to do and not enough time. I consider myself as being late for there are times that I want to arrive to a destination just in time or at the last minute. Some people likes to be late for some reason. for example in an event or a party some may arrive early with excitement and some prefer to be late, makes them feel there are fireworks when they arrive like some sort of VIP.
Generally speaking, I always try to be on time, however, I end up being late. When it comes to do something or reach somewhere on time I am a total failure. I try o start early, I hurry and wrap up things and get started to do it on time or move towards it on time, however, I am always in a situation that drags me to be late.
I see to it that I always arrive on time, if not earlier. I just feel awkward when I arrive late for whatever: a class, an interview, a game, an appointment, etc. In the Art of War, one gets an advantage over the enemy if one arrives at the battle scene first. Maybe because you have more time to prepare. There is also a psychological advantage that you were first to arrive at the scene. Punctuality is a mere reflection of one having discipline.
Honestly both, but most of the time, just on time. It's really hard to come late. Much better to have even just 10 mins before your time, that's enough to just get relax before doing your job.
I always make sure that i'm on time specially when it comes to meetings and events. I just want to make sure that their time with me is very much appreciated and not wasted.
I am always late! I think I got it from my mother who is also always late at everything she goes to. But I think those who are always late are most likely to be successful in life and in career.
Honestly both, but most of the time, just on time. It's really hard to come late. Much better to have even just 10 mins before your time, that's enough to just get relax before doing your job.

Yup I guess you're right and that's the thing discipline is important and one should posses to be successful in getting early to get to a destination and there should be no excuses haha. It's really a good thing if a person is relaxing before starting his job than hurrying because of being late.
Being on time is a big thing to me. I am always on time because I hate being late. I don't even like someone to be late in our appointment. I am very time conscious because I believe that every second is important. I don't want to waste any second just by waiting.
I hate the feeling of other people waiting for me, so I prefer to be the one early or on time and do the waiting since I feel better rather than being the one having to explain why I was late.
I am an Industrial engineer, I am supposed to be good at time management. Sadly, I am late most of the time. I am late when I have some errands that are new to my schedule but if I am used to it, I can adjust with the time. Time is so precious so use it wisely.
I always prefer to be a lot more early and wait for ever person I am meeting other than making them wait for me, because it kinda makes me feel how much important that person would be, but I don't hate people who are also late, because I myself is also late on some point but I make sure that I am able to contact them earlier to tell them that I might be arriving later than expected.
I also hate people who goes beyond so far beyond the time schedule, it makes them not really want to participate properly.
With my schedule of classes this semester I am a bit early there are just times that I am late if there a heavy traffic but I am never late on passing requirements like written works, assignments and projects.
Yup I guess you're right and that's the thing discipline is important and one should posses to be successful in getting early to get to a destination and there should be no excuses haha. It's really a good thing if a person is relaxing before starting his job than hurrying because of being late.
Yeah, that's right, Actually my daily routine before I sit on my station or in the office is to have an energy drink and light up 1 cigarette, I included that on my time, so, 15 minutes before my time to work, I should be in the office.
Being early means that you are more responsible and focused on your goals. Relaxing before starting your work could give you more energy to perform at work. I mean what else to do when you're early at work, maybe do the number two or pee at least you're not worried during working hours and you have a deadline. Time management is really important every day.
To be honest, yes, most of the time I'm late. But academics who make their living studying human behavior say that people who tend to be always late, tend to be more creative and successful than those who are always on time. The conclusion may be counter-intuitive, but the reasoning seems sound.
I am always on time during serious appointments today. However back in my university days, I always arrive late in classes when I am arriving from home. Although I don't lag in grades because I study hard enough, my punctuality in school classes is not that great.