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  1. M

    Edit any website using javascript

    Make sure your bookmarks bar is visible Select the text below javascript document.body.contentEditable true; void 0; Drag the selected text into your bookmarks bar Click that bookmark button and start editing the text on any page.
  2. M

    How upload a file with Filezilla

    Download the Filezilla software and install it onto your computer Start Filezilla Click File on the top menu bar and select Site Manager Click New Site In the Host field, enter in
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    Error- Eliminate Render Blocking Resources

    eliminate render blocking resources, it's essentially saying, don't load unnecessary resources at the top of your site's code because it's going to make it take longer for visitors' browsers to download the visible part of your content.
  4. M

    Photoshop learning resources?

    Adobe's Learning Resources and Tutorials is the best way to learn and the excellent learning resources on the Adobe site.
  5. M

    What makes JavaScript stand out from other programming langauges?

    JavaScript was only interpreted at one time but is now often run through a JIT compiler Java is statically typed, while JavaScript is dynamically typed Java is strongly typed, while JavaScript isn't. Both Java and JavaScript support many other languages.
  6. M

    Control the scroll bar

    A standard scroll bar is located in the nonclient area of a window. It is created with the window and displayed when the window is displayed. The sole purpose of a standard scroll bar is to enable the user to generate scrolling requests for viewing the entire content of the client area.
  7. M

    background-image won't appear

    If you're struggling to get the background image in your header to show up, don't worry Since that bit of code lives in your css folder, you will also need to remember to go up a level to get to the img folder, where your images are. Make sure to add to the front of the URL for your background...
  8. M

    Burger Menu Not Working on Safari IOS. Please Help?

    There seems to be a JavaScript error on your website Please go to Pro > Footer > Edit your Footer > JS and remove the custom code that you have added there.
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    How to install Python on Windows!

    Informative share Thanks for posting.
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    Javascript not working

    Open your page in a browser, then open the developer tools. In Chrome on Windows, it's ctrl+shift+i . If you are including an external JavaScript file, check for 404 errors in case the path to your file is incorrect. Check for any JavaScript errors that appear in the console.
  11. M

    What's the best programming language? Here's a clue

    Every good programmer should learn SQL since databases are involved in almost every program You should also learn a low level language like C or even assembly as well as a high level language like Java or C++.
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    How to keep track of how many views your website gets

    Google Analytics and click "Sign in to Analytics" in the corner of the page After signing in, you'll be sent to the Home tab Along with your active user count, the Overview page also tells you which pages your users are viewing, as well as their geographic location.
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    How to achieve this in javascript or jquery or somehow

    JavaScript is achieved via the prototype chain This is defined as the chain of references starting with any given object. We have seen how early techniques for configuring the prototype chain had limitations surrounding coupling between child and parent constructor functions.
  14. M

    Are many of you using CSS Grids?

    CSS Grid and flexbox are the new tools web designers can work with for creating layouts. flexbox is well supported across the board and CSS grid support is great amongst evergreen desktop browsers.
  15. M

    how to remove scroll bar from accordian

    In order to hide the horizontal scroll bar in a webbrowser you can insert style"overflow-x:hidden" into the <html> tag, but not in the <body> tag.
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    HTML tutorial for complete beginners

    Great share Thanks for posting helpful HTML tutorial.
  17. M

    Looking to learn javascript? Have a look!

    Great share Thanks for sharing Informative post.
  18. M


    fix the problem, be sure to check your Chrome settings and disable your antivirus. Images won't load in Chrome Sometimes this issue can appear if JavaScript is disabled in your browse And the image folder after editing your code.
  19. M

    Collect Data from Website

    Open a website. Download our desktop app. Choose a site to scrape data from. Get data from multiple pages. Interact with AJAX, forms, dropdowns, etc. Download results. Access data via JSON, Excel and API. Data is collected by our servers.
  20. M

    Creating a blog page

    A blog is a type of website that focuses mainly on written content, also known as blog posts you can create your own blog by following these steps Pick a blog name. Choose something descriptive. Get your blog online. Register your blog and get hosting. Customize your blog. Choose a free...