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  1. P

    The Hosting You Should Have Went With

    thanks for Sharing!!
  2. P

    margin vs padding?

    Margin is outer space of an element, while padding is inner space of an element. Margin is the space outside the border of an element, while padding is the space inside the border of it. Margin accepts the value of auto: margin: auto , but you can't set padding to auto.
  3. P

    How long did it take you to learn CSS?

    I started messing with CSS when it first hit the 'Net, back when people were super stoked about being able to scroll over links and change the colors and stuff.
  4. P

    Move The Nav Bar To The Right

    Cant be able to open your attachment
  5. P

    Problem with the animation of the button on the site

    Thanks for Sharing!!
  6. P

    How is the weather in your area

    It is raining!!!
  7. P

    Do you play PC or Console games?

    I prefer PC games!!
  8. P

    What is your best music online website?

    Jio SAAvan is the best one!!
  9. P

    Trends from the 2019 Lace wedding dress collection.

    Thanks for Sharing!!
  10. P

    Favorite fast food chain

  11. P

    How long do you stay awake at night

    until 2am
  12. P

    Greatest sports personality

    Virat Kohli
  13. P

    What music are you listening to right now?

    Nope!! I Am working Now!!
  14. P

    Staying awake all night with movies

    I can only watch more movies at day time when I don't have much work to do.
  15. P

    Are you always late? or are you always on time?

    I am always on time!!!
  16. P

    If you had a remote control that would operate anything, what would you control?

    Better hide your remote because I will definitely steal it from you.
  17. P

    Time Management Techniques.

    sort your task according to deadline!!
  18. P

    Offline or online jobs?

    I preferred online jobs!!
  19. P

    Science and Religion

    Both Are best!!
  20. P

    Favourite websites?

    Youtube is best one!!