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Reference Materials

Ahr Aitch

New member
I'm comign back to web development after a long hiatus. I've lost what little fluency I ever had using HTML, CSS and javaScript. I'm using VSCode so its error and syntax checking is helpful, but it doesn't give me the various options (language vocabulary) that can be used or a sense of the structure required in writing code. As an old (80+) mainframe programmer, I remember the days of reference cards (we called them green cards) that would give information about what coding elements were related to or dependent on others. I'm looking to find out if any such materials exist for HTML, CSS and javaScript (and others that I might someday need).

For example, in CSS there is a DISPLAY element. I know that it can take 3 qualifiers: block, inline-block, and inline. Are there others?

A website that I think would be very useful is one that would have sections for different languages (HTML, CSS, javaScript, Pyton, . . . ). Each section would be specific to a language. The first bit of information that would be useful would be to know any structural requirements, such as HTML's structure tags:L <html> <body> </body> </html>, etc showing where each element falls in the structure. In addition, each section would list all the commands for that language with the qualifiers/modifiers/arguments that each can take with a brief example. Of course, any such reference would probably need more than I know how to describe.

Even more useful than webpages would be an plug in for VS Code where one could choose from a tree one of the languages that would then take one to a list of commands for the chosen language with a brief description of its use and the various qualifiers that could be used. One might think of it as a dictionary of words available to the language and how than can be used correctly.

If anyone knows of such reference materials, I'd appreciate knowing where to find them. My search fu is inadequate today.