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Is Head injury Painful? What's The Head injury Treatment?


New member
Yes, head injuries can be painful depending on the severity. Treatment for head injuries varies depending on the type and extent of the injury. Immediate medical attention is crucial, which may involve stabilizing the patient, imaging scans to assess the damage, and possibly surgery for severe cases. Additionally, medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms such as pain and swelling. The cerebrolysin 10ml, a neurotrophic agent, may be administered in some cases to support brain repair and function recovery. However, its usage and dosage should be determined by healthcare professionals based on the individual's condition.
I've had my own fair share of head injuries when I was playing football. I can tell you that it is something that is very painful depending on the extent of injury you sustained.
You can imagine when you hit your head on a wall and the kind of feeling you get, sometimes you feel dizzy or even heavy headache. Head injury is really painful.

There are various head treatment, it depends on the kind of injury you got. The only advise I can give to anybody that sustain head injury is to visit the hospital so that he/she can be taken care of.
I have had a few head injuries in my life, my first one being when my younger brother hit me on the head with a toy camera.

When you suffer a head injury, it depends on the severity of the head injury as to how you treat it but I know that after a head injury, it is bad to lay down and go to sleep. My kids have had head injuries in the past and once, one of my youngest sons hit his head but never told me and went to lie down to go to sleep, luckily I realized.