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Hogwarts Legacy PS4, Xbox One ports work really well

Keith Stawarz

New member
The last generation of consoles saw the debut of Hogwarts Legacy, which boasts a fantastic port. Now that PS4 and Xbox gamers may play Hogwarts Legacy, it doesn't appear like their experience will be significantly worse than when they play on modern platforms, despite the fact that they will be utilizing outdated technology. In the game, players can prepare a enough amount of Hogwarts Legacy Boosting Service.

Originally released on February 7th, Hogwarts Legacy is arguably the most successful game of 2023 so far. Warner Bros. recently reported that Hogwarts Legacy has sold over 15 million copies to date, and fans are eagerly anticipating more. Now, with the release of the last-gen port, more gamers will be able to play it.

Players looking to experience the Hogwarts legacy on Xbox One and PS4 won't be disappointed. For example, a recent YouTube video by ElAnalistaDeBits tested the game on PS4, and the results were impressive. The normal version of the console can run games at 900p at a stable 30FPS, and the frame rate can reach up to 50FPS after unlocking the frame rate. For PS4 Pro, the stabilization is similar, but the resolution can be increased to 1080p.

Overall, not much is lost graphically. Obviously, the draw distance is shorter and the quality of the textures has dropped, but the degradation is not as noticeable compared to the PS5. However, there are some changes that may upset players, such as the loading screens when entering or leaving Hogwarts Castle.

Most of the people in the video comments were more than happy to know that the port worked fine. For example, Micpere1991 confirmed that it was a good idea not to release this version in February, because the extra time spent on it paid off. For example, it's not hard to remember how bad the PS4 port of Cyberpunk 2077 was, something Avalanche realized when he decided not to try to rush the job. Another user, Moon Sarito, said they were very surprised and delighted with the results, and hope the Switch version maintains this level of quality.

While developers are likely still tweaking the game to further improve its performance on previous-gen consoles, rumors based on Avalanche Software job listings seem to suggest the company may be gearing up for another launch. Right now, it's not 100% clear if this will be DLC, a Hogwarts Legacy sequel, or a game from another franchise. For more game guides, please visit 600pu.com.