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  1. Jweb

    Need little help with css

    Oh I see. You can use the display property and set a value to none: { display:none } This is used to hide elements, but not get rid of them.
  2. Jweb

    How did you learn CSS?

    I used sources like MDN and just playing around with it (trial and error as you said). I'm still learning but it's been going well so far. I do find it tricky to solve things when it's just not displaying the way I wanted it to.
  3. Jweb

    Need little help with css

    If I understand correctly, you want to just have the flags displayed at the top? You could do this by removing the HTML elements corresponding to the CSS, which would be the social-icons and contact-info. You might need to adjust some of the styling afterwards.
  4. Jweb

    HTML Form Output To File

    No worries! I was just curious to see what you did. I admittedly have very limited experience with this sort of thing but I could see it coming up in some form, so thanks for sharing! Wish I could help with cert files but good luck :)
  5. Jweb

    Div tag not fitting into top of screen despite having sufficient room

    It might help if you split up the toppane into two (one for the upload, and the other for the buttons) like you've done for the others. Other than that, I think it could work if you float the toppane left.
  6. Jweb

    Selectable links in column and embedded content shows in embedded frame.

    You can work on the layout, which would be use HTML and CSS. Use placeholders for now, as you would want to focus on how it will look first. Once you have the layout done, you would work on functionality, using JavaScript. Typically you would use iframes to place external videos from a site...
  7. Jweb

    HTML Form Output To File

    Glad you figured it out. Would you mind sharing what you ended up doing?
  8. Jweb

    help completing web design

    I'm curious to know if you ended up completing this. Looks nice.
  9. Jweb

    How did you learn HTML?

    I'm still learning :D Resources I've used include MDN, W3Schools, and a lot of searches.
  10. Jweb

    What are the most common mistakes developers make with HTML, and how can they be avoided?

    Something I have been told and still did since it was convenient, was using a lot of div elements. HTML offers many elements that are well suited for the task, but even then I would use a div element since it could basically be used for anything and it was easy to add. If it gets too much...
  11. Jweb


    Looks like the sidebar is not on the site anymore. Did you take it out?
  12. Jweb

    The 'br' start tag on line 9 position 113 does not match the end tag of 'body'. Line 11, position 6.

    It might be that <br> is not supported and you might need to use <br />
  13. Jweb

    Hi everyone!

    Hello! I just came across this forum which is great since I've been learning about web development for a bit now. I have some coding experience but haven't really worked with building/maintaining websites. Hope to pick up on some things here and maybe even some collaboration. See you around!